Don’t fill up that valuable website real estate with a rehash of your CV. Use the power of words to make your personality pop off the page and your customers jump to the cart.
Product Packaging
The words on your product packaging can play cupid between you and your potential customer. Make them fall in love with you even before they’ve even opened the wrapper.
Article Writing
Advertorial, glossy magazine, community newsletter; it’s all an opportunity for you to share your story. But do it without ‘rabbiting on’; define the theme and write for the right audience.
Product Descriptions
If you’re selling online, turn virtual window shoppers into loyal customers, with creative and informative product descriptions that entice new customers and answer all their burning questions.
Promo Material
Brochures are either recycling bin fodder or a tactile version of your website that lives on someone’s fridge. Aim for the latter with clever copy that makes people ask Siri for directions to you.
Lets Work Together
Is there something that you need written that isn’t listed here? No sweat! Flick me a message and we can chat about the project you have in mind and how I might be able to help.