Whether it’s for a community newsletter, a glossy magazine, an advertorial, a journal or one of your own publications, you need someone to write you an article that gives the right amount of info in the right kind of style.
Articles often have word count you need to stick to and an audience to appeal to. They should be easy-reading and informative; they should flow well with a defined topic, purpose or theme.
Published articles can be really valuable for your business; they provide an opportunity for you to flex your expertise, tell more of your story and shed some light on the lesser known elements of what you do.
Don’t miss out on that opportunity just because putting what you do into words is too daunting. Call me.
I’ve got an opportunity to provide an article that will feature my business. What should I do?
First up, you need to work out who the general audience of the publication is and where that publication will be going. (Pro tip: asking them for a media kit that will provide you with lots of that information). That will help determine the style of your article.
Then decide on one or two key messages that you want the article to be based on. This will give your article a theme.
Lastly, check in with the publisher on what the word count is. You don’t want to bulk it up with extra, irrelevant information that doesn’t suit the theme, or risk any important information being cut out.
Oh. most importantly - know when your deadline is. Many a business has missed out on a golden promotional opportunity just because they popped it in the to-do-later pile.
Does that sound like a lot? Yep. It’s no wonder writing an article ends up in lots of ‘too-hard-baskets’. Lucky, you’ll have me in your corner and I can do it all!
I need a copywriter for my article. What is involved?
To write an article about you/your business/event etc, I’ll need to go full journo on you. Not press-conference, hard-nose kind of journo. Nice journo. Think cadet-journo who covers the good-news stories.
If you’re nearby (with 50km), I’ll pop out to meet you, ask a bunch of questions and take loads of messy notes (old school style: I still love a pen and paper). I’ll have a bit of a sticky beak around and then toddle off back to HQ to pull it all together into a nice, coherent article that makes you sound great.
If you’re not nearby: I can do all of the above over the phone or Zoom (the real winner of Covid-19 amiright?). Of course, I am open to an all-expenses paid trip to your digs - especially if you’re in wine country, hiking country or in the business of making chocolate.
How much does article writing cost?
I charge article writing per word (another reason why that’s important info to get from the publisher). That cost takes into account site visit, research and a couple of drafts until the final result is something that you’re completely happy with.
To get a quote specific to your project, get in touch.